This carefully designed passive recreation area has also helped ease drainage problems in the area to facilitate the collection of run-off water from the town. It is a primary water source for all parks, gardens and recreation facilities in West Wyalong, helping to drought-proof key community facilities for several years.
“The Wetlands” was developed on a pre-existing bird and wildlife sanctuary which has been reinvigorated to once again attract vast and rare species of birdlife, which are protected from threats such as foxes by a land island purposely built in the middle of the facility. The initiative has already achieved success with rare magpies and geese settling in the area. It has been more than ten years since they were last spotted in the area. Golden Perch fish stocks were released into the waters of “The Wetlands” to add to the variety of wildlife. Located on the Newell Highway, between Wyalong and West Wyalong, The Wetlands was developed on a pre-existing natural waterway and is a bird and wildlife sanctuary.